Mom and dad, empty pad, there’s time, prophylactic’s bad Sperm are swimming, egg is going, fertilization Week one, zygote there, dividing here, there, everywhere Two, four, eight, sixteen, that’s the morula Zona pellucida, shed from early blastocyst Late blastocyst now, trophoblast and blastocoele Trophoblast splits into inner cytotrophoblast Synctiotrophoblast, outer shell, implanting CHORUS We didn’t stop the fetus It keeps on developing, inside mom’s belly We didn’t stop the fetus Since we did create it, we are going to wait for it Week two, synctiotrophoblast makes hCG Corpus luteum continues the pregnancy Embryonic disc formed, epiblast, hypoblast Amnion, exocoelomic cavity Week three, pretty long, gastrulation comes along Ecto, meso, endo, trilaminar embryo Primitive streak and node, neuralation, notochord Neural plate forms neural groove, neural folds, then neural tube Week three continuing, somites, coelem are forming Early heart formation, chorionic villi Now onto week four, closed the rostral neuropore Otic pits, lens placodes, both limb buds are visible Embryo c-shaped, rudimentary organ systems Week five, not four, close the caudal neuropore Weeks six through eight, digits start to separate Ossification, intest’nal herniation During weeks nine through twelve, intestines in the abdomen Fetus doubles its size, begins forming the urine Hematopoiesis, first the liver, then the spleen Thirteen to sixteen, females have their ovaries Seventeen through twenty, uterus, testes Lanugo, quickening, vernix caseosa forms! Twenty-one to twenty-five, fetus probably can survive Weight gain, surfactant, fingernails are present Twenty-six to thirty-four, white fat increases some more CNS maturates, pupils constrict and di-alate In weeks thirty-five and eight, towards light, orientates Firm grasp, fetus plump, ultrasound, crown-to-rump White fat, one-eighth of the total body weight Growth slows, momma knows, parturition, here it goes!