Because I haven't made a new comic in a while, here's one.
usasurfr 2007-08-13 20:39:11
Here's another of my wacky New Comics which are just images I've made for med school. The newest one was from a presentation on medical ethics. The other is from an objective on tapering steroids.
usasurfr 2007-07-02 07:21:13
Welcome to PlanetName version 2... completed. Perhaps I should call it 2.5? Either way, it only took me a year to do this. I guess it's on target.
usasurfr 06-04-2007 02:41:36
Transfer complete. I bet no one noticed the down time.
usasurfr 06-01-2007 02:24:14
Yo. The site will be going down for possibly a day or two in the near future as the internet peeps migrate it to another server. Just a heads up.